COGNITUS conducted its first early-adopter trial during BBC Music Day 2018. Held on Friday 28th September, the major BBC event celebrated music contributed from all across the UK. COGNITUS worked together with the BBC Music Day digital production team to capture some of the activities for delivery in enhanced UHD quality through COGNITUS technology.
Dedicated teams were deployed with the COGNITUS mobile app to capture the action and upload to the COGNITUS system, which enhances video and audio quality and up-converts to UHD. COGNITUS also automatically enriched the videos with additional metadata for convenient search by producers. The enhanced user-videos were then made available to be published on BBC Music Day live pages.
For further detail see the BBC R&D blog post ‘Capturing User Generated Content on BBC Music Day with COGNITUS‘ . You can also see BBC Music Day highlights, including highlights from the COGNITUS collaboration here.
Highlights from BBC Music Day:
Birmingham highlights:
You can also check out below the BBC Music Day highlights through our adaptive streaming service (MPEG-DASH) that will pick from HEVC and AVC video encodes and multiple video resolutions according to you device capabilities, browser and bandwidth. HEVC encodes and high resolutions, where supported, should produce better picture quality, while lower resolutions (lower bitrates) would produce a smooth playback (reducing buffering etc.) at lower bandwidth.